Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Micro-Project 3

I chose the Physics Research Building for this project, because I spend a lot of time there and it is very close to my dorm. I made it look very ominous because when I first saw it I thought it would only have to go in there for the most unpleasant experiences college has to offer. I also added the purple to the windows to show the work that goes on inside. After getting used to it, I've actually come to like this building and I end up meeting my friends there a lot. That is why I added the snowboarder, to portray the little bit of fun that I've had.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Micro-Project 2

I really like how this micro-project turned out. I feel it might be a little cluttered but I also think that it almost fits that way. I believe this does a pretty good job of showing who I am and what I am about, but I also think that it is hard to just define someone by things they like. By looking at this picture, no one will be able to figure out my beliefs or views on life and the issues around us. But once again, I really enjoyed working with photoshop and trying to express myself through it. I look forward to our next photoshop assignment.

Things I Like

THE Ohio State University - OSU is very important to me. Obviously it is where I am attending college. It has also introduced me to many new opportunities and friends. (GO BUCKS!)

Computer Mouse - Computers have had a huge impact on me. Like I mentioned in my first post, I studied computer science for two years and learned a lot of important things that I will always be able to benefit from. (Virtual Control.)

Einstein - I like and look up to Einstein. Being a physics major, I also look up to him as a physicist. I also really enjoy the picture in which he is sticking his tongue out. (lolwut?)

Ultimate Frisbee - I enjoy playing Ultimate Frisbee a lot. I've met a lot of new people and it has kept me in somewhat good shape. I try to get out and break a sweat as much as I can. (Physical Fun.)

Ipad - I feel like my Ipad is an extension of me. I keep it with me 24/7 and I can't count the number of times it has saved my ass. (Personal Back-up.)

Phone - I use my phone all of the time. It helps me keep in contact with relatives and close friends. It also helps me keep on track, because I use it as a clock and calendar. (Reminder.)

Headset - My headset is also a huge part of who I am. It allows to not only to listen to my music but communicate with people around the world. (Endless Communication.)

Computer Monitor - I love my computer display. One of my monitors was given to me by my family, while the other was provided for me by Wentworth Solutions (an old job I had.) They allow me to multitask and be very productive (when I want to be.) (Gateways)

Mountains - If I had to choose where I would go on vacation. I would most definitely pick a mountainous region. I find the landscape both unforgiving and beautiful. (Perfect,)

Snowboarding - My favorite hobby is snowboarding. I find speeding down a mountain/hill amazingly fun and thrilling. I also enjoying doing the little freestyle that I know. (Pure Adrenaline.)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Alexis Rockman's "Manifest Destiny"

This depiction of a post-apocalyptic Brooklyn by Alexis Rockman, was part of a collection titled "A Fable For Tomorrow." The collection as a whole focused on nature and its battle with man and science. Painted on wood with oil and acrylic, Manifest Destiny illustrates a submerged Brooklyn  due to Global Warming. One will also notice the vast amount of wildlife present in this once urban habitat. These species range from Jellyfish to Dolphins to genetically modified crustaceans and fish. The genetically modified animals are just another symbol of man's detrimental impact on the nature around us, because even in this landscape where no humans are present we are still affecting the ecosystem of earth. This painting is a window into the mind of Alexis Rockman, and shows us his opinions on environmental issues such as Global Warming. His numerous other works seem to follow the same big idea, in that, man as a species needs to seriously take a look at our harmful impact on the land around us.

Micro Project 1

I had a lot of fun with this first project. I liked just getting to jump in with some pictures, Photoshop, and some very basic knowledge and see what happens. The outcome could definitely use some more work, but I feel that the know-how and incite that could make this better will come with time and more class. I took all of these photos myself, with the exception of the map in the middle, which I simply edited with the rectangle tool to show my path to class from Scott House. I used the polygonal lasso tool, the rectangular marquee tool, eyedropper tool, and the move tool while creating this project. Scale and rotation transformations were also used on a few of the images. The project is divided into four layers. The "Background," with the center map and the maroon background, and the "Bottom-Right", "Top-Right", and "Left" layers which were composed of the images in their corresponding regions. As I stated above, I enjoyed this project and I look forward to further assignments.

On My Way

On my way to this class I realized that I don't think, or notice things. All I do is walk. I don't notice the growing grass of W. Woodruff Avenue or the orange rope keeping us off of said grass. I also don't notice the tree garden that I walk through every Monday and Wednesday, or even the smooth rocks these trees are sitting in. Recalling my walks to class, my mind almost seems blank, and it wasn't until I walked the route to take pictures for the micro-project that I realized everything that I had missed during my early morning march. All that I know I looked for was the bus outside of Scott House. If it was there I took it one stop, just to save a few steps and if not I hoofed it. Other than that, nothing. I even managed to miss that Knowlton Hall had giant smooth, white pillars, and that beside it was another garden that I had walked by everyday, but had always failed to fully look at it. It's definitely time to pay more attention as I walk from A to B.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My name is...

        Hey guys! My name is Jesse Cover and I'm a Freshman here at THE Ohio State University. I'm a Physics major and a Computer Science minor, and I hope to either go into research or teaching after I earn my BS. Who knows, I might even go to grad school. I enjoy just chillin' with friends and various recreation activities, such as Racquetball, Ultimate Frisbee, and Disc Golf.

        I attended a traditional high school for two years and spent the other two studying software engineering and web development at a nearby vocational school. I don't regret leaving my high school for a second. Because of those software classes, I was able to get a job web developing for a company called Wentworth Solutions, for which, I helped create the contract and permit for the city of Lyndhurst, Ohio. I also held a job with a Hunting and Sporting Clays Club as Grounds and Equipment Maintenance.

        I'm looking forward to this class and meeting and getting to know everyone. See you guys soon!