Monday, November 28, 2011

Final Project

(Thoughts Before)
So, when I sat down to finally do this project I wasn't very sure of what exactly I'd do. My big idea is fairly broad, and I went over a lot of things in my brainstorm blog post. I knew that I wanted one of the photos to pertain to the upkeep of a Facebook page, and that I wanted a page that solely referenced the confrontations that happen using social networking, but besides these two things everything else was fair game. I had taken a bunch of pictures over the weekend of my family doing various poses and whatnot just trying to make sure I had enough to do something, but in the end it worked out pretty well.

(Thoughts During)
The first picture, as I mentioned before, pertains to the upkeep of a Facebook page. You can see me reaching out of the profile picture trying to change my status, while my sister is walking away with the name at the top of the page. My cousins also in the bottom corner adjusting his photo. I was really excited to get to work on the second photo, just because Facebook confrontations are a pet peeve of mine. I was thinking of what the most common confrontation I see on Facebook is and then decided that the photo would have more of a political theme. In the photo, you'll notice the symbols for the democrat and republican parties fighting it out, while various soldiers are stationed around the page. Although socializing is a fairly large part of social networking, It took me a while to even think of it for the theme of the third picture. In this photo, I have people chatting around the page, and I also added a women walking through the door that seems to lead from one Facebook page to another. 

(Thoughts After)
Looking back at all three photos, I'm satisfied with the results. My favorite of the three is probably the confrontation themed one, only because it's one of the only things I think about when I think "social networking." I also really liked how the woman walking through the door in picture three turned out. In my opinion, It really looks like it fits into the page, and you can notice, in her background, she is walking out of another Facebook page. I wish I could have added her to another page, walking out of it, but unfortunately didn't have a photo like that. I didn't realize when I was starting out how difficult it would be to incorporate three dimensional objects into a two dimensional world. It would of been a lot easier if I would have taken the photos straight on rather than the slight downward angle they all had. I wish I could have made everything blend into the pages a little more. But hey, I like how it all turned out.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Final Project - Brainstorm

So, I knew the big idea I wanted to portray in my final project as soon as I finished Micro Project 5. I still find the idea of a physical Facebook fascinating, and I really want to invoke thought centered around social networking and its impacts on our society as a whole. In order to keep this blog as singular as possible, I'm just going to refer to the blog post for Micro Project 5 to show the thought process behind this big idea. When I look into my Facebook I feel more upset at people than connected. I know that this is just one persons feelings, but I also know that I am not alone. Facebook, in my biased opinion, just seems to be a dumping ground for peoples problems and useless conflicts. Why would you ever want to give everyone the opportunity to see exactly what you look like. I mean, I've seen people post their home/cell phone numbers, home addresses, and work emails on Facebook. When did Facebook become such an integral part of our society and why? What does Facebook do that simple phone calls or emails can't? Of course, you will always hear the argument that "well, it's so much easier to keep in contact with everyone," but what I don't understand is why you would want to keep in contact with someone if the only reason your doing it is because it's easy? All it does is add one more person, and their problems and drama into your life. I don't mean for this blog to be a rant. I just want it to invoke thought. I have a lot of great ideas for this project. I want to stay really close to the style of Micro Project 5. I feel like I would be able to take pictures that convey conversation (both good and bad), along with other common actions that take place on social networks, and throw them into a meaningful spot on a Facebook page, that both fits into the page itself and means a little more to the viewer. I'm really excited to see what I come up with.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Micro Project 5 - Inlay

So, I received the word "inlay" to incorporate into my project. After thinking about it, I didn't actually know for sure what the word meant, so I looked it up. The search came up with "to insert or apply (layers of fine materials) in the surface of an object." This of coursed raised that question "what should I inlay?" The final product shows that I chose to literally inlay myself into Facebook. I've never been a huge fan of social networking, but it has still become a large part of my life (unfortunately.) I've always tried to imagine people physically controlling their Facebooks, just like one of those huge pianos that you have to jump around on. I'm almost positive that this would make Facebook far less popular when it actually requires a decent amount of physical activity. I asked a few people and they all said they would probably stop using it if this were the case. "A novel idea, but impracticable," was the response from an English major I asked. After creating this project I asked a few more questions, for which I still don't have the answers. How would you get into your real-life Facebook? Do the laws of physics apply once your there? When you visit someone else's page, do you actually interact with their physical being or do you just simply jump around looking at all their shit? Think about it. What would you like? This is by far my favorite project. The only thing I really wish I could have done was make it more 3D. It would have been fun to literally see myself jumping off of the page.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Micro-Project 4

I decided to have the power of weather manipulation. I thought it would be awesome to be able to control the weather, and make it do whatever I wanted. To much snow for classes? Sure! Raining outside? Gone! Being able to make it rain, snow, or be beautiful whenever I wanted would make things so much easier. In this picture I decided I wanted to make the clouds over the Oval go away (no one likes the Oval on a rainy day.) It took me a while to think of something, only because of all the options. I eventually had to resort to the wiki list of super powers and just pick one that I thought would be fun. I enjoyed making this even if it doesn't look  "realistic," but hey it's interesting!